Medical Marijuana for Wasting Syndrome December 9, 2021, 7:31 pm

Medical Marijuana for Wasting Syndrome

Wasting syndrome has emerged as a difficult health issue to handle for those who suffer from it. The condition occurs as a result of some chronic illnesses, and symptoms include a lack of appetite and the body’s inability to absorb calories and nutrients from food. There can also be a drastic reduction in body weight and energy loss throughout the day as an extension of this. A great deal of medical research has been done to come up with ways to help with this condition, and there are several forms of treatment available on the market for wast…

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Medical Marijuana and Muscle Spasms November 17, 2021, 3:19 pm

Medical Marijuana and Muscle Spasms

Muscle cramps can be very painful. More often than not, they are associated with muscle strain, but they can also be a sign of liver disease, circulation problems, or other medical conditions. This leads people to wonder what kinds of treatments are out there. There are, in fact, many treatment options including marijuana compounds that can help alleviate discomfort and pain arising from muscle cramps. This article will cover the benefits of using medical marijuana to treat muscle cramps and spasms. What Are the Main Causes of Muscle Cramps? …

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Does Medical Marijuana Go Bad Over Time? October 7, 2021, 6:31 pm

Does Medical Marijuana Go Bad Over Time?

Everything deteriorates over time, even THC, the active compound found in medical cannabis. So how can we tell whether cannabis is expiring? Proper storage prolongs the cannabis buds and concentrates, but too much time in storage can affect the taste and efficacy of it. Malie Cannabis Clinic offers information in this article about the shelf-life of medical cannabis. From signs that your cannabis has deteriorated, to tips on proper storage, we will go over everything you need to determine what to do if your medical cannabis has gone bad. Does M…

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Top 5 Mistakes to Avoid When Cooking with Medical Cannabis September 15, 2021, 8:49 pm

Top 5 Mistakes to Avoid When Cooking with Medical Cannabis

Typically, people conclude that medical marijuana largely entails smoking it. However, most prefer to eat or drink cannabis-infused products. These products are referred to as “edibles”. They usually contain butter, coconut oil, peanut oil, and the usual baking fats. It’s just tough to determine the exact dosage of the baked edibles in their dessert form. Compared to smoking medical marijuana, eating edibles can be a more intense experience. This is why it’s vital to study how much you can tolerate and the dosage you want before crafting a tre…

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Which is Best: Marijuana Tinctures, Vapes, or Edibles? July 13, 2021, 9:49 pm

Which is Best: Marijuana Tinctures, Vapes, or Edibles?

Is marijuana legal in Hawaii? YES, for patients with a qualifying condition and who have received a state-issued medical marijuana card. However, it is not legal if the purposes is to use cannabis for adult-use or recreational uses. There are a variety of ways to go about consuming cannabis, from vaping oils, smoking to tropicals. Generally speaking, smoking of cannabis tends to be the most popular way of doing it. It’s both effective and versatile. That being said, it’s also worthwhile knowing how other methods of consumption stack up in compa…

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