Are you looking to qualify for medical marijuana in Hawaii?

Marijuana can be beneficial in alleviating the symptoms of many medical conditions. In current times, medical cannabis is legal in 33 states across the country.

The first state to legalize medical cannabis was California in 1996. The first qualifying conditions included chronic pain, cancer, and AIDS.

Hawaii has followed suit. In this article, we’ll list everything you need to know about qualifying for medical marijuana in our state. You’ll learn about the necessary conditions, medical cannabis access, and other important things to note.

Medical marijuana can treat a variety of conditions

Qualifying Ailments for Medical Marijuana in Hawaii

The Hawaii Medical Marijuana Law, as per Senate Bill 862, states which medical conditions qualify for medical cannabis. Here is the full list of these conditions:

  • HIV/AIDS (Holding a valid positive status)
  • Cancer
  • Glaucoma
  • Crohn’s Disease
  • Rheumatoid Arthritis
  • Epilepsy
  • Lupus
  • Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ASL)
  • Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
  • Multiple Sclerosis (MS)

Additionally, Senate Bill 862 allows for medical marijuana in the case of a medical condition or chronic/debilitating disease or its treatment that results in one or more of the following symptoms:

  • Severe nausea
  • Severe and persistent muscle spasms, including the kind in Multiple Sclerosis (MS) and Crohn’s Disease
  • Cachexia/Wasting syndrome
  • Seizures, including the type of seizures in epilepsy
  • Severe pain

Keep in mind that an additional medical condition could be approved by the Department of Health under relevant administrative rules. The request can be made by a physician or a potentially eligible patient.

What Do You Need to Do for a Qualification?

First of all, you need to have a valid ID: State ID, Passport, or Driver’s Licence. Take note that while it is no longer necessary to have residency in the State anymore, you do need to have a qualifying condition.

The process starts by talking to your primary care physician. You need to obtain your medical records or other valid documentation from them that describes your diagnosis. You will need to take these medical records and bring them to your medical marijuana evaluation appointment.

Furthermore, it’s important to have your physician fill out a certification form. You can obtain this form from the Hawaii Department of Health Medical Cannabis Registry Program.

After these steps, you need to get a registration certificate. This document is also known as a medical marijuana identification card in Hawaii. 

Know the rules and regulations of medical marijuana in Hawaii

You can get in touch with the Medical Cannabis Registry Program by calling (808) 733-2177 or sending an email over to

How Does the Medicinal Marijuana Qualification Work Legally?

Senate Bill 862 was signed on June 14, 2000. This bill allows patients to use, possess, and cultivate marijuana without being subject to the risk of state-level criminal penalties. Here are the exact requirements:

  1. Possess a signed statement from their physician that affirms the patient’s diagnosis with a qualifying debilitating medical condition.
  2. The same statement needs to confirm that the potential benefits of medical marijuana use would likely outweigh the associated health risks.
  3. A confidential state-run patient registry needs to issue an identification card to that patient.

Additionally, House Bill 668 was passed as an amendment on June 25, 2013. The bill put into place the requirement that the program should be transferred from the Department of Public Safety to the Department of Public Health effective before January 1, 2015.

The same bill designated the establishment of a medical marijuana registry fund. The registry fund should pay for the Hawaii program. Another amendment, Senate Bill 642, entered the legal space on January 2, 2015. According to that Bill, an “adequate supply” constitutes a total number of seven cannabis plants without any regard for maturity. Later on, the number of plants was increased from seven to ten.

Under the amendment of Act 241 on July 14, 2015, the statewide dispensary system is set to be created and regulated. This amendment also saw the addition of PTSD to the list of qualifying conditions.

What Are the Relevant Hawaii State Rules?

The state of Hawaii has rules and regulations that govern the use of medical marijuana. The most important aspects of these laws are:

  1. You need to transport your medical marijuana in a sealed container. Whenever you are in a public place, you are forbidden to remove the marijuana from this container.
  2. As a patient (or together with your caregiver), the maximum amount allowed for medical marijuana possession is four ounces of processed marijuana. Likewise, you can cultivate a maximum of ten plants in total.
  3. If you are under the influence of medical cannabis, you aren’t allowed to drive or operate a motor vehicle in any possible way.
  4. You are forbidden from the use of medical marijuana if a particular situation could endanger the health or well-being of another person.
  5. You aren’t allowed to transport the cannabis inter-island. The same rule holds for your caregiver.
  6. Utilizing butane to remove THC from medical marijuana is a Class C Felony.

Can You Get Medical Cannabis Edibles in Hawaii?

Edibles aren’t available in Hawaii. But you do have the chance to get capsules or tinctures that provide a longer release for the key chemical compounds in medical marijuana.

Cannabis tinctures are available in Hawaii.

Note that the effects of slowly acting marijuana products could take up to 60-90 minutes before you feel them. Prior food consumption, body weight, and other factors can influence this process.

In a Nutshell: Qualifying for Medical Marijuana

Numerous health ailments qualify for medical marijuana consumption in Hawaii. Before starting your application process, make sure to understand all the requirements listed by the state.

Please take note that this post is by no means meant to replace actual legal advice regarding the topic of medical marijuana. Even if you have qualified for the use of medical marijuana, it’s essential to follow all laws regulating its consumption. 

For more information about getting your medical marijuana card for the state of Hawaii, contact us at Malie Cannabis Clinic today!