Wasting syndrome has emerged as a difficult health issue to handle for those who suffer from it. The condition occurs as a result of some chronic illnesses, and symptoms include a lack of appetite and the body’s inability to absorb calories and nutrients from food. There can also be a drastic reduction in body weight and energy loss throughout the day as an extension of this.
A great deal of medical research has been done to come up with ways to help with this condition, and there are several forms of treatment available on the market for wasting syndrome in Hawaii. One of the various approaches to dealing with the syndrome is medical marijuana. Recent research has revealed promising evidence of the benefits of marijuana on wasting syndrome and its symptoms.
In this article, the most reputable medical marijuana medical clinic in Hawaii, Malie Cannabis Clinic, provides you with information regarding wasting syndrome and how medical marijuana can help.
What Is Wasting Syndrome?
Wasting syndrome, as earlier stated, is a side effect of certain chronic illnesses to the body. The term wasting is derived from muscle and fat tissue degeneration. As the name suggests, this illness is known for having people appear to “waste away.”
Some of the ailments that may cause wasting syndrome include HIV/AIDS, chronic diarrhea, tuberculosis, superior mesenteric artery syndrome, chronic obstructive lung disease, congestive heart failure, among many others. Wasting syndrome may also develop as a result of infection-related nutrient losses.
Wasting syndrome is characterized by more than ten percent of an individual’s overall body weight involuntary loss. Researchers have come up with various factors that are said to contribute to wasting syndrome. These are:
- Altered metabolism: Having a chronic illness can alter your metabolism, meaning the way your body converts food into energy. A person suffering from a chronic disease will require more calories to maintain their average body weight
- Low food intake: A strong sign of suffering from chronic illnesses is the lack of an appetite. Patients find it hard to eat, therefore they cannot acquire most of the nutrients needed by their bodies. Also, many medications may alter their sense of taste, making food less appealing. The medications may also make patients nauseous whenever they smell or taste food, significantly affecting their ability to eat
- Poor nutrient absorption: Patients who suffer from some of the chronic illnesses mentioned above may have issues with nutrient absorption in their bodies
How Can Marijuana Be Used As A Treatment For Wasting Syndrome?
To manage wasting syndrome, a patient must find a way to reduce or eliminate vomiting and the incidences of nausea. According to several scientific studies, using medical marijuana is one of the safest ways to tackle nausea and vomiting.
HIV/AIDS activists have long fought for the legalization of marijuana due to its ability to reduce nausea and stimulate appetites. These benefits significantly improve lives. For example, in a recent study with HIV/AIDs patients, some consumed marijuana while others were given a placebo. The findings were that participants who consumed marijuana gained more weight than those who took a placebo.
There are also several journals where researchers have stated that smoking marijuana can significantly improve an individual’s appetite, reduce nausea, and increase body weight. Advances in cannabinoid science in the past decade have given rise to new opportunities to develop useful cannabinoid-based drugs.
Most of the data from current research present a variety of benefits, particularly for pain relief, nausea, and stimulation of appetite. This is especially true for patients with HIV/AIDs or those undergoing chemotherapy.
Methods of Marijuana Treatment for Wasting Syndrome Symptoms
One of the most common ways to use medical marijuana is by smoking it. However, some people may have chronic conditions like asthma which prevent this from being an option, or they may simply have different preferences.
Below are some of the alternative ways a person can consume medical marijuana:
- Juicing: You can blend raw, fresh cannabis leaves and mix them with juices. Juicing is a perfect option for patients who do are unable to eat
- Sprays: There are cannabis sprays available in a variety of flavors. They are also convenient and easy to consume
- Tinctures: Tinctures are alcohol-based extracts added to food or drinks
- Suppositories: Medical marijuana can be easily made into suppository form, primarily if a patient cannot feed properly. There are several suppository-making kits available online and in health stores. You can add marijuana powder to your meals and store them
- Edibles: Edibles are a fun way to consume medical marijuana. You can either make them or buy your edibles. Some examples of edibles are cannabis-infused lollipops and lozenges. There’s also chocolate, cookies, cakes, and other confectionery and pastries
Bottom Line
From the information detailed above, you can agree that marijuana is capable of helping with wasting syndrome. However, before you can use marijuana, an evaluation must be conducted by a qualified and professional medical practitioner. There are regulations that provide on the use of marijuana. To guide you in this, contact Malie Cannabis Clinic.
We are the leading cannabis clinic in the State of Hawaii, providing sound and professional medical marijuana education, evaluations, and electronic approval. Our clients are able to receive medical relief once their needs are evaluated by our qualified and professional staff.
All the information that you provide to us will be considered confidential. Once you have enrolled successfully in the Medical Marijuana Card Program, you can get assistance from any state-approved dispensary. Get in touch with us today and learn more about our services!